Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome Dean Polirstok!!

The NCATE Team welcomes Dr. Susan Polirstok to the College of Education. It is terrific to have her aboard as Dean! From an accreditation pespective, Dr. Polirstok has NCATE experience at the program and unit levels, and I'm sure we will benefit greatly as program reviews and campus visitation dates draw near. I look forward to working with her in the process.
Have a great start to your semester!!!
Jo Hoffman

Sunday, June 1, 2008

COE Assessment Team!

We have a great team who've committed to working on the NCATE tasks in summer 2008 and summer 2009. These colleagues may be contacting you to let you know that they are working on the assessment tasks and program review process. We've split up the programs so that we can better facilitate each program with their review process. One of our first orders of business is to create a supplement assessment form for our teacher candidates that are in their senior student teaching semester. It is essential that each program assess their candidate's knowledge, skills, and dispositions according to their program standards. Prior to this initiative, supervisors in the field have used the more broadly written COE competencies on the midterm and final competency assessments. Beginning in September they will also use a program supplement for the candidates they are supervising. It's quite an undertaking, and when you hear from one of the Assessment Team as we work on this task this summer, please be prompt in your response. Have a great summer!
Jo Hoffman

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NCATE Conference Spring 2008 - Summary and work to be accomplished

NCATE Conference April 3-6, 2008
Summary and “To Do” List:
(submitted by Jo Hoffman, NCATE Coordinator)

In general it was a good conference with many questions answered both at the program level and at the unit level.

The Provost had asked me to network for ideas from other similar institutions that may help us get through this on a tight budget with the possibility of having no one replace Ms. Caruso. Here are two suggestions I received that seem to be the most feasible.
* Have each program designate an Assessment Coordinator for their program’s assessments/data collection or form an Assessment Team of 6-8 faculty members from across the college. This person or Team would also be responsible for organizing the data analysis that will be the meat of Section IV of the Program Reports.
* Offer incentives for sustained faculty participation—these incentives could come in the form of release time or having expressed value placed on NCATE work in the areas of scholarship and service.

Encouraging faculty to design research projects that use the data collected in the assessment process for the College of Ed and individual programs may be a good way to combine NCATE work with scholarship. It needs to be clearly valued in the retention, tenure, and promotion process so that those most willing to do the work that is needed for NCATE accreditation and Program Recognition are motivated to do so because they see it as academic/scholarly work that can be included in their folders.

It was reinforced that it is imperative for our programs to create a supplement to the TPC Competency Forms used in the final student teaching semester for the midterm and final evaluations that the Supervisor and the Cooperating Teachers complete. In short, initial certification programs must collect field data specific to their programs’ standards. Advanced programs, even those not leading to licensure, need also to assess their candidates in the area of field experience.

Advanced programs and programs preparing other school personnel (Counselor Ed, Ed Leadership, School Psych, Speech Pathology) must be certain that they are collecting data about how their candidates perform in the field. My suggestion is for these programs to designate program field advisory committees and that the office of the Dean holds articulation meetings with representatives from these programs each academic year. The Field Advisory Committee orchestrated by the Teaching Performance Center serves only our candidates in the Initial Programs.

We will have to disaggregate the data at the unit and program levels for the candidates who take the programs at Ocean County College. All the unit forms that we use (Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Field; Teacher Work Sample Assessment Forms; Survey forms like the COE Report Cards) will need to add a part to fill in for those filling out these forms indicating candidates in OCC programs.

For the Fall 2008 NCATE Conference, we should bring a team: one faculty member for each of the three levels of candidates served and accountable in the NCATE process: Initial, Advanced, and Other School Personnel. I hope it is possible to earmark funds for this expense.

We need to ask each program to formalize their plan for working with their adjuncts and in the case of those programs that offer the OCC option, those faculty must be included as well. It must be made clear and be documented as to how key assessments (those on the list of the 6-8 assessments in Section II of the Program Report template) are systematically assigned through the sections so that all candidates are getting the same experiences.

It was emphasized once again that as a unit and at the program level we are accountable for our candidate’s impact on their students’ learning. The Teacher Work Sample is the tool for gauging our candidates’ impact on their students’ learning that we are using at the unit level in the Initial Programs Assessment System. In each of the programs, the relevant subsections of the TWS are also being used as Assessment #5 on the list of the required 6-8 assessments each program must use as data; therefore, programs must align the TWS to their SPA standards.

We have CDs with all of the presentation materials from the conference sessions available. Also, NCATE offers Web Seminars. They announced one upcoming for Arts and Sciences faculties that would be beneficial for those faculty who are part of the NCATE process but who are not faculty in the education programs. When that session is announced, I will be trying to coordinate our participation.

I would like to schedule days over Summer I and II to work with each program on the Sections I, II, III of their Program Reports. Getting this work done in Summer 08 will be a huge benefit to each program so that by the end of the spring semester 09, they are ready to complete Sections IV and V analyzing the data they have collected from their assessments. Program Reports are to be submitted by September 15, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,
Jo Hoffman, NCATE Coordinator

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New year, new blog name

Hello to Kean's College of Education Community!

For those who have visited this blog before, you'll notice a new name for the blog--NCATE 2010. The blog was originally created for discussion about the College of Education's Conceptual Framework that recently underwent revision. To view the revised CF, go to the COE website and click on the NCATE link. Thanks to all who contributed!

As we ramp up for the upcoming program reviews and the NCATE visit in 2010, a blog such as this can be a valuable resource to celebrate accomplishments as well as to share and discuss concerns and questions about program assessments, the NCATE process and even the new unit assessment, the Teacher Work Sample.

As the blog creator, I hope to post a question for discussion each month and offer support for questions you post to the blog.

Blogging is easy, marginally fun, and ultimately a great way to allow for on-going discussions about topics of concern or interest to you. So let me be the first to welcome you to our blog and to say Happy 2008!
Jo Hoffman

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Draft of the Revised Conceptual Framework

Hello Conceptual Framework Committee!
Please make your comments about the draft of the revised CF as a reply to this post! Thanks!
Jo Hoffman

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Summer 2007

Now that summer I is winding down, I'll be gearing up to work on the revision of the Conceptual Framework in July. If any of the committee has had any thoughts since our meeting at the end of April, please post them on this blog. If you are around in July and would like to participate in some way in the revision, just let me know. Thanks!

Monday, April 16, 2007


Our Conceptual Framework Committee is meeting on April27th
from 8:30am -1:00pm
in the Pre-Conference Lobby in the University Center!!!
See you there!

Please check your email from me dated April 4th to see abit ofhomework to be done prior to coming to the meeting! Thanks!!